Chiropractic Treatment Services
Allow Us To Bring You Relief
When you visit Advanced Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Augusta, GA, you receive personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs. We provide relieving spinal adjustments and more to bring you optimum comfort and relief.
We can determine the cause of your ailment through a gentle and conservative approach and address it accordingly. Our highly experienced doctors staff will do everything they can to improve your quality of life and well-being in our relaxing and positive atmosphere.
If you have any questions about our services, check out our frequently asked questions.
Comprehensive Chiropractic Services
Find Relief and Promote Healing with Our Comprehensive Services.
Atlas Orthogonal
Spinal Adjustments
We use the Atlas Orthogonal technique to gently and precisely adjust the first spine bone (atlas). This improves neurological communication and blood flow to the skull, providing relief for migraines, vertigo, tic douloureux, neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.
Achieve relief for your entire spine with the Activator technique. When we implement this technique, we use a gentle, safe, and effective adjusting instrument. This instrument helps provide neurological stimulation and pain relief to the spine as a whole.
When there is a direct injury to the arms, feet, legs, or hands, it may need a more severe adjustment to achieve relief. We utilize extremity adjusting when the patient is seeking rehabilitation of the injured area. This more robust adjustment is effective in eliminating the pain and also restoring function in the joint.
We offer various physiotherapy services to help you rebuild your body strength and achieve optimum pain relief. If you are interested in one of our physiotherapies, please let us know your unique situation and needs, and we will help you determine which treatment is best for you.
Do you struggle with chronic back pain or sciatica in the lower area of your back? Allow us to help you find relief and quality of life improvement. By implementing the Cox Flexion-Distraction, we can gently stretch the lower back in a way that provides nearly immediate relief for a variety of conditions. This stretch will restore water and nutrients to the intervertebral discs of the spine.
If you feel excessive pain or instability throughout your pelvic bones, the Thompson technique may be the solution for you. This technique offers a gentle yet effective method to adjust the pelvic bones for optimum comfort properly. It is effective in providing pelvic stability, addressing functional leg length inequality and pain. We utilize a table that can rise and fall to use gravity and bodyweight instead of force.
/Diversified Technique
The full-spine/diversified technique can target specific areas where the spine may feel “stuck” or “fixated.” We adjust the spine by hand to relieve the segment that feels stiff. If you feel pain or stiffness in the spine, this treatment has proven to be effective and improve neurological stimulation.
If you struggle with foot pain and discomfort, allow our team to provide you with custom orthotics to bring you relief. Our specialized orthotics deliver comfort and support for your feet. You can insert them in your shoe to heal any foot or heel pain you may be experiencing.