What Is the Coronavirus COVID-19 and How Can I Protect Myself and Loved Ones?

While numerous studies lend to the possibility that chiropractic spinal adjustments or manipulation may aid in boosting the immune system, there is currently no credible and scientific-based evidence that this is factual.

Given the fact that the coronavirus COVID-19 is new, little is known about the virus, there is no vaccine, and no current treatment, it is imperative for patients to know and understand the limitations associated with chiropractic care.

In this guide, we will share information about the coronavirus COVID-19 virus and provide steps – as outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and national public health organizations within the United States.

What is the Coronavirus COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a novel infectious coronavirus disease discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. While previous coronaviruses have emerged – such as MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and HKU1 – and have resulted in respiratory infections in people, this particular virus was previously unknown.

A coronavirus is identified as such because of the crown-like featured spikes on the surface. On January 30th 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID-19 was an international-based “public health emergency”. It was then officially identified as a pandemic on March 11th 2020.

What is Known about the Spread and the Incubation Period?

COVID-19 is considered a highly contagious disease. It is spread from one person to another through the droplets that stem from the mouth and/or nose.

These droplets may also land on surfaces. If one touches an infected surface and then touches their face, the virus may then find its way into the body through the mouth, eyes, and/or nose.

Additional research is being conducted on spread. The incubation period – as identified so far – is anywhere from 1 to 14 days. The World Health Organization continues to research this information. As new information is discovered, WHO will release that data.

Recommendations for Protection

The following will help in protecting yourself and your loved ones:

  1. You should wash your hands, thoroughly, on a regular basis. This means placing them under hot water for several seconds and then placing soap on the hands and washing for an additional 20 seconds. If water and soap are unavailable, utilize an alcohol-based sanitizer that is designed for the hands.
  2. Practice social distancing. Keep – at least – 3 to 6 feet of distance between you and others at all times, especially if someone is coughing and/or sneezing.
  3. Avoid touching your face.
  4. If you cough or sneeze, do so in the bend of the elbow.
  5. Make certain are surfaces are cleaned thoroughly with a germicidal and/or disinfectant agent.
  6. If you develop symptoms, contact a doctor by telephone and self-isolate for at least 14 days.
  7. If you become seriously ill with a fever, a cough, and other symptoms that leave you feeling extremely poor (such as problems breathing), seek medical help immediately.
  8. Follow all guidance issued by the CDC, your doctor, and other governing agents in your area.

If you have any questions about COVID-19, you may contact our chiropractor Augusta office today by calling: 706-738-7731