Chiropractic Offers Help For More Than Backache By Dr. Brad Steinle The majority of people today see a chiropractor because they are suffering from back pain, neck pain or headaches. What most people don’t know is that chiropractic care can help much more than just musculoskeletal complaints caused by injury. There have been recorded cases of… Read More…
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The Basic Philosophy Behind Chiropractic Care
The Basic Philosophy Behind Chiropractic Care By Dr. Brad Steinle The basic philosophy behind chiropractic care is that the body contains the innate abilities of self-healing and self-maintaining. For example, if a person sustains a cut to the hand, the body will heal that cut. If that same person sustains 10 cuts to the hand, the... Read More...
The Atlas: An Introduction
The Atlas: An Introduction by Dr. Brad Steinle The story of Atlas from Greek mythology is widely known today. Even if someone has never heard the story he or she is familiar with the popular image of a man ordered to carry the celestial sphere on his shoulders. In the anatomy of the human body... Read More...
Misconceptions About Healthy Living
Misconceptions about Healthy Living - The Verge, Jan 2015 by Dr. Brad Steinle This week I am going to discuss a couple of topics that seem to be misunderstood by many people. To begin, I must state that you should not discontinue the use of any prescription pharmaceuticals you may be currently taking without consulting... Read More...
We regularly consult our patients about the importance of taking an active role in his or her health. We have discussions about diet and what role that could have in well-being. Proper nutritional guidelines are presented in an easy-to-understand fashion. Demonstrations of pelvic stability, stretching, cardiovascular exercises and spinal stabilization exercises are provided in necessary… Read More…
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