Posts from March, 2020

What Is the Coronavirus COVID-19 and How Can I Protect Myself and Loved Ones?

While numerous studies lend to the possibility that chiropractic spinal adjustments or manipulation may aid in boosting the immune system, there is currently no credible and scientific-based evidence that this is factual. Given the fact that the coronavirus COVID-19 is new, little is known about the virus, there is no vaccine, and no current treatment,… Read More…

Having a Strong Immune System May Help in Protecting the Body Against Harmful Invaders

The immune system is the defense system for your body. Currently, many harmful invaders and environmental assaults are occurring throughout the world. These include influenza, the common cold, and even the recently discovered coronavirus known as COVID-19. When one of these invaders make their way into your body, an immune response occurs. In short, this… Read More…